WxBabes TOO


PLEASE read important
Every time someone visits www.weather.com/relief through 11/18,TODAY!! The
Weather Channel in connection with the NFL will make a donation to
the 2004 hurricane help fund. just found out message courtesy of "sydarris"

VIDEOs via FLASH now (Sept 2009) included starting from pg1.

REplaced the MPEG that was below with this PIC
[ ^CLICK^ ] being that the MPEG had little motion, enjoy the PIC "sxy legs of CLemke"


Important to Wxbabe PIC fans: Since TRIPODs MB limit is 20MB [eventhough this site was created when it was 50MB] The missing PICs have been Reposted at EPSON, please click on each pgs[21-39]top link to view the missing PICs, ALSO once at EPSON remember to click on the "full" PIC for the ORIGINAL SIZE which at times might be bigger.

WxBabes TOO

To go to the RED CROSS DONATION page please click here. THANK YOU ,peace.

Being an actual housekeeper here a link to make donations to workers whom were affected by the attack on our[worlds] freedom on Sept 11th. [Link changes this pg for fastest upload]

new idea[actualy org sent ~3 yrs ago to twch] near bottom of this pg in a KAbernathy pic.

Please READ-[IDEA FOR NEW TWIN TOWERS REPLACEMENTS after this]: I had an idea for Twch in Atlanta, Ga about building a certain type of structure in a crystal form to decorate the skyline of Ga, it was to use VERY little electricity for the size and output it was to represent[Clue it was to be connected to the lightning detection system] Twch never responded as this was sent to them in 1991 I 've also told 2 other people and hope the idea can be accomplished as it would make Atlanta's Skyline one of the most photograph in my belief and attract people who've just married like the Eiffel Tower does.

NOW HERE AN IDEA FOR NYC -I have mentioned this idea on 2 public access shows the day after the Destruction of the Twin Towers, but being that was a 2am program the few responses where all positive and will mention it on a nyc public access show in a day, but here goes why not build ONLY 5 or 6 40-50 story buildings BUT use laser effects and create grants for scientists to develop more advanced laser effects so from the top of the 40- 50 story building one builds a laser effect so a Laser "projected" image that looks like there is a 110 story building there and for the microwave antenna construct a very sturdy Pole attached to the ground but from one of the actual buildings then around that antenna pole also create another Laser projection of a building BUT as laser effects are perfected[that is where the grants come into effect] we can add projected floors and I hope just like the lights of the real towers would light the skyline as to give hope for those with dreams we could find ALL the names of those who we can't find but their good spirits will forever be remembered by using the laser effects to write EACH persons name around the laser projected buildings as if so from far away the names appear as the old towers lights but as one gets closer one can see and read that they are the names of the people who will be remembered, I also hope that the top of the buildings have changing projections of the groups who where there helping as the FIREFIGHTERS , police, port authority , and the passengers on the planes incl the pentagons victims and PA. crashe ans others.-sincerly -Mr.X / Actual Goodwill Hunter [why actual-gave my lifestory to a scresnwriter @22West 34th st 5th floor-Holistic Center where I shared some of my science ideas [incl what I call turqouise tubes which is what MIT is trying to create i write as "espyther" @about.com's science pgs] a few yrs before the movie was made,saw the guy at the Oscars so I figure could have been created from the ~70 pgs i gave him if so want NO $$ just >> as all I ever ask is if any of my science/other ideas make $ that a respectable amount of the profits be given to children in need in a non-sectarian method,peace.]





above and below[dashed version] are two version to present watches/warnings the idea is that as the expiring "box" passes the expiration time the "box" should blink @the rate of .25sec so in being such a fast blinking effect and uses a less vivid color as it expires this is to let the citizens know that even though the "box" expired be on alert for any weather threat that might still developed around the still "active" box, so the expired box continues to blink rapidly till ~15 mins after its experation time, this is cause i noticed several times in the past year or so that citizens in the hospital are there cause they came out after the "box" was deleted thus thinking all is clear, with the blinking box this hopefully keps people in till the storms have the least chance to have any redevelopement


CLICK HERE to DOWNLOAD a WMV clip of a "sabrosso" [ "delicious" in latin ] thigh jiggle by Katrina Voss. 246KBs @ 56KBs ~50secs to download.

click here to download file wc_KCass-OH My Gosh Look At Her Eyes Rv20040729 50%less KBs 288KBs @56K 50secs [if you see not a download box, check behind the blank (no AD) window that just poped up]